Overview off Kitecleats functions
Kitecleat has been designed to be quick and easy to use in its line manager function. All you have to do is to catch your…
Kitecleat has been designed to be quick and easy to use in its line manager function. All you have to do is to catch your…
Maintain of line positions when disconnecting the kite from the bar. Prevents from having to extend its lines to untwist them after a transport. Advantages:…
If necessary, in an emergency situation, the use of a line cutting tool can be carried out quickly only if you are used to grasping…
To be fully effective in this function, the kite cleat must be accessible from either hands. Put it in the same place (harness or boardshort)…
If you wish, properly fix the ends of lines and avoid so the potential appearance of knots at the end of the longest of your…
The Kitecleat delivers your kite lines in position to reconnect your wing but you must ensure you do not pass line(s) to the chicken loop…
The Kitecleat has been designed (specially V2 and V3 models) to let the sand go through. If you have any problem with a V1 model,…
The Kitecleat is closed in action default. However, to be sure it does not open during the transport or storage of your kite, I recommend…
The Kitecleat must be firmly secured to your harness but it should be also easy to catch and release. Following are examples of possible stowage…
Behind a strap loop (seat or waist harness) Advantages: – Allows the grip of the Kitecleat with one hand but also possibly the other because…